Der Hungerstreik ist unterbrochen, lasst uns die Demo zu einem großen Zeichen der Solidarität mit den Asylsuchenden machen. Wir fordern das Einhalten der Menschenwürde ohne Einschränkungen. Wir fordern die Auflösung der sogenannten Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte. Lasst uns dafür sorgen, dass es in Zukunft nicht mehr soweit kommt, dass Menschen ihr Leben aufs Spiel setzen müssen um gehört zu werden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- بعد از 16 روز تحصن و مبارزه پناهجویان در ورتسبورگ، بلاخره دولت محلی بایرن و دولت آلمان ناچار به مذاکره شدند. جزئیات این مذاکرات در اطلاعیه 23 به اطلاع رسیده است. بعد از اعلام نتایج و قولهای که مقامات دولت محلی بایرن و دولت آلمان داده اند،پناهجویان ایرانی در ورتسبورگ تصمیم به ادامه تحصن خود برای رسیدن به خواستهایشان گرفته اند. پناهجویان متحصن رسما اعلام کرده اند که منتظر عملی شدن وعده های داده شده از طرف مقامات می باشند. در ادامه این تصمیم برای روز 14 آوریل از طرف فعالین جنبش 99 درصدیهای ورتسبورگ و فدراسیون پناهندگان ایرانی تظاهراتی را در ورتسبورگ و چندین شهر آلمان در حمایت از اعتراضات پناهجویان فراخوان داده شده است. روز 14 آوریل در دفاع از حق پناهندگی برای متحصنین شهر ورتسبورگ و دراعتراض به وضعیت اسفناک پناهجویان در آلمان هم زمان در شهرهای نورنبرگ، مونیخ، برلین، ورتسبورگ تظاهراتهایی برگزار خواهد شد . ما اعلام می کنیم که ضمن حمایت از تحصن پناهجویان ایرانی در ورتسبورگ، تمام سعی و تلاشمان را برای به ثمر رسیدن این مبارزه به کار خواهیم گرفت. در هر شهر یا کشوری که میتوانید در دفاع از حق پناهندگی به این مبارزه بپیوندید در خارج از آلمان میتوانید در مقابل سفارتخانه ها و کنسولگریهای آلمان از حقوق این پناهجویان دفاع کنید . همبستگی- فدراسیون سراسری پناهندگان ایرانی – واحد آلمان 6/2012آوریل -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello friends, hello activists around the globe, hello outraged! The reason i am writing you today is so important and imminent to me, as no other has been before. Here in Würzburg, Germany, there are people dying right now! I am not talking about the everday misfourtune and poverty, that the poor have to suffer from. I am talking about 10 brave, although desperate men, that decided, bot to live any longer, by the means of a hungerstrike. They are iranian refugees from a so called Community-shelter (GU), which can be found all over Germany. Mostly theres shelters are run-down barracks from the times of the war, which can serve no other purpose any more. Here in Würzburg, the war-branded and politically pursued refugees the "honor" to live in the former "Adolf Hitler Kaserne". The conditions for them are disgracefully bad there: grown Men have to share a rooms in numbers of 5. Food can be bought two times a week, but choice is very limited, and not fit for the diverse cultural needs of dozens of different nationalities. They recieve an allowance of 40€ per month, to spend on their cultural and social life (A single bus ride from the GU into the city costs around 2,50). During the process of a request for asylum, the refugees neither have the right to work, nor do they have the right to move around freely-they are confined to a certain district. They also cant rent a flat, even if they could afford one. Thus they are doomed to live under these conditions, in these shelters during the often years long processes of an asylum request. Two months ago, a young iranian man hanged himself in his room in the GU. This happend due to the cruel situation, that the political pursued and thereby already shaken man couldnt be united with his sister, who was confined to another district. At some point, he just gave up... Since these horrible conditions have still not been adressed or taken care of, 10 iranian refugees went into a hungerstrike 16 days ago. These are men, that have been sentenced to death in Iran, Done of theme are obviously scarred from the tortures the iranian police put them through. Among them are former government officials, students and a professor from the university of teheran. To be able to put the most pressure onto the public and the government, they occupied the square in front of the town hall in würzburg, there they publicly face death. We have been in solidarity since day 1, and are at the site with 5 additional camping tents since march 19th, to help with communicational problems, ask for donations, and everyday stuff like the good old nightwatch in the camp (which i am writing you from). Meanwhile, two of the very polite men have collapsed due to circulation Problems, and the situation gets even worse after the refugees announced that they will, after two weeks without a response, only drink water from now on. I have gotten to know and like them by now, and fear for their lives! I have no doubt that they will pursue their demands to the literal end, and the responsible officials all deny responsibility and juristiction. A workinggroup has been asked to plan an international day of action for these refugees. We have recieved letters and calls in solidarity from all over the globe, and hope that this support will be heard on the 14th of april. We are currently working on the activation and mobilisation of as many friends and supporters, as we can reach. The situation in Würzburg has evolved into a precedent case, since not only a public square has been successfully occupied against the will of the city, but also a fight against current law, that Is usually not fought that way in germany: with the strongest weapon you have-ones life. I support everyone, who is standing up for his right to exist, and wont Be heard. This is the case here. It cant be, that i live in a country, where people watch others die! I implore everybody who knows me, to feel adressed by this request. These People -and i- need your help! Activate people, plan pickett or a demonstration, create a workinggroup! The date is the 14th of april, a saturday, and we ask everybody, to participate in some way. We need demonstrations in every possible city! If this Is successful, it will be THE example for the enforcement assets of the people, when they are ready to give everything-and 10 people, who have almost lost their beliefs in human rights, will survive. Würzburg Hauptbahnhof Bahnhofplatz 4, 97070 Würzburg, Germany Karte anzeigen · Route planen Gesendet mit miCal - der Kalender für das iPhone.
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