Montag, 24. Januar 2011

Call for a germany-wide day of action on 22nd March 2011

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Von: Gisela Seidler
Datum: 23. Januar 2011 22:01:18 MEZ

--- This call can still be signed. If you want to do so, please contact as soon as possible: ---

Call for a germany-wide day of action on 22nd March 2011
against the asylum-seeker-benefits law, „compulsory residency“, camp isolation & racist refugee legislation

Refugees in many locations across Germany have been struggling against intolerable living conditions through strikes and protests. In 2010 over 500 refugees in Bayern alone took part in hunger strikes and food packet boycotts. Refugees in Thuringia were able to force the closure of the isolation camp in Katzhütte through massive protests. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the inhuman situation in the camp in Horst was brought to public attention through a hunger strike. These are just a few examples of the refugee struggles nationwide. From these struggles, we want to start a germany-wide campaign against the racist refugee legislation.

As a first step, we decided at the anti-racist conference held in Frankfurt from 10th to 12th December 2010 on a

Germany-wide day of action on the 22nd of March 2011

against the asylum-seeker-benefits law (“Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz”, AsylbLG), camp isolation, the so-called “compulsory residency” (“Residenzpflicht”) and racist refugee laws to take place.  

The asylum-seeker-benefits law (“Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz”, AsylbLG) is the legal basis for the bulk of the discriminatory living conditions against which refugees have been fighting through strikes and protests. In this repressive law, it is stipulated that refugees in Germany must live under inhuman conditions, be subjected to benefits in-kind from public authorities, do not have sufficient success to health care, and are entitled to social benefits lower than that of German social benefit receivers who, in any case, have to survive on inhuman amounts. The dependence of refugees on the mingy social benefits is further cemented through work prohibitions and subordinated access to the job market. Furthermore, access to German classes and education is being systematically impeded. At the same time, refugees are denied their human right to freedom of movement through „compulsory residency“ (“Residenzpflicht”).
All these and other special laws collectively constitute a legal complex of oppression, isolation and social exclusion. The goal of this state-enacted exclusion is to enable easier deportation of refugees and to discourage people from even coming to Germany in the first place.

The asylum-seeker-benefits law was adopted in 1993 in the course of the racist agitations and pogroms and the accompanying factual abolition of the basic right to asylum. The „compulsory residency” is line with the tradition of the German regulations in the colonised regions and the national socialist Police decree of 1938. 

It is exactly now that we must fight against these racist special laws because combining our forces at this moment is advantageous:
In a few months time the asylum-seeker-benefits law as well as the „compulsory residency“ will be debated in the federal parliament.
That is why we must concretely act now!
Since we do not want to abandon the discussion on refugees’ living conditions to the established parties and self-proclaimed experts, we will use this time to mount political pressure from below on those responsible.

For us it is clear that: refugee-benefits-law as well as „compulsory residency“ are not reformable, rather they must be abolished – human dignity and freedom of movement are not negotiable! 
Of course the actions do not have to focus only on these topics – as already said, it must (and can in line with this campaign) be fought against all parts of the racist legislation! Nevertheless, one should consider that especially the asylum-seeker-benefits law and the “compulsory residency” are especially attackable at the moment.

We want to get active with a powerful nationwide day of action on 22nd March together with as many people as possible in as many cities and camps as possible!

Organise strikes, demonstrations, Go-Ins, occupations, podium discussions, camp assemblies, press conferences, visiting delegations, camp documentations, exhibitions and other creative forms of protest against the asylum-seeker-benefits law, the „compulsory residency“, and other special laws! 

As a further step we want to mount a concentrated pressure directly on the decision makers in the government quarter in Berlin with an „Anti-Isolation-Camp“-event in June this year. 

To coordinate the campaign, a mailing list has been set up where interested persons can register:

For further enquiries, please contact:

All our forces are needed because on the 22nd of March 2011, united in a widely spread alliance, we have the opportunity to topple these racist legislations!

This call is supported by various groups and individuals.
If you want to sign it, please contact as soon as possible!
A list of the supporters, which is still kept up-to-date, can be found here:


Abolish the refugee-benefits-law! – Abolish the compulsory residency!
Abolish racist special laws! – Stop deportations!







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