Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010

Information for refugees in Turkey according fees

IMPORTANT! this helps refugees fill out form for waiving fees in Turkey! V @theveni1 Important #Turkey #Refugee Notice

On Monday 24th May 2010,  said:


Important Information for ALL Refugees in#Turkey Re: Residence Permit Fee Exemptions. #Iranelection #Iran Pls RT 

We strongly encourage asylum seekers and refugees to approach the offices of the governorate in the provinces where they live to apply for residence permit fee exemptions. Each exemption petition should list the address of the asylum seeker or refugee requesting the exemption and provide details regarding his or her particular financial, medical or social needs. hCa advises the relevant provision of the Tax Law and section of the new circular to be attached to the exemption petition. 

The UNHCR has issued letters that asylum seekers and refugees may use to apply to be exempt from residence permit fees from the governorate office where they live. Draft petitions and the relevant provision of the Tax Law and section of the new circular are available below.

The Exemption Petition is also available in Arabic, French, Kurdish, Turkish. The Tax Law is available in Turkish only. 

All documents can be found at the following link courtesy of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly ( Copyright 2010 Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği ) 

Farsi Translation:

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Thank you for circulating this announcement.

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