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Von: Sigmar Walbrecht
Datum: 10. Juni 2010 11:22:34 MESZ
An: Flucht-Liste
According to the fact, that much people for the Soccer-WM are fascinated by the nationalist tumble (?), I want to forward a Mail.gez.Sigmar Walbrecht***********************************************
Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.
AZF Hannover - Arbeitsmarktzugang für Flüchtlinge
Tel.: 05121/10 26 87
Fax: 05121/31 60 9----- Original Message -----From: Steve KommogneTo: asta (at) stud.uni-hannover.deSent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:12 AM
„Ab in die Gaskammer“, saying a member of the Anti-Boateng groups on Facebook. Since the founding of two Facebook-pages against the soccer-player Kevin Boateng some
few days ago, Afrikanet.info decided to start a campaign (?) against that ...Read more here (german):
http://www.afrikanet.info/menu/news/datum/2010/05/19/facebook-rassistische-hetze-gegen-boateng-stoppen/MfGSteve N. Kommogne
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