Samstag, 31. März 2012
Freitag, 30. März 2012
APPEAL TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION On behalf of Mr Hossein Jasbi #iranelection
Commissioner Cecilia Malmström
DG Home Affairs
Göttingen, 29.3.2012
Dear Madam Commissioner,
We are appalled to learn that the Swedish authorities are planning to
deport three political refugees from Sweden to Iran. The three include
Mr Hossein Jasbi (born 22 September 1972) who is currently being held
in detention in Stockholm prior to deportation. Jasbi is due to be sent back
to Iran this Saturday 31 March 2012, via Frankfurt.
Mr Jasbi is a critic of the Iranian regime. If he is deported, his previous
activities and his ongoing support for victims of human rights abuse in Iran
will put his life in serious danger. Jasbi faces the prospect of sharing the
fate suffered by other family members and deportation is likely to be
followed by his immediate arrest, mistreatment and in the worst case
Jasbi's father and two brothers are serving lengthy prison terms. In
1981 one of Jasbi's brothers was executed in prison for political activities
and a sister was executed at the start of the 1980s. Before he fled to
Sweden Jasbi had for years acted as a go-between for political prisoners
in Iranian gaols and their families and publicised human rights abuses.
He was forced to leave Iran for his own safety in the immediate aftermath
of the protests that followed the 2009 elections when he was threatened
with arrest because of his political activities.
Jasbi has been a supporter of the Iranian opposition with his criticisms
of the Iranian regime in the Swedish media.
In view of the imminent threat to his life and well-being that Mr Jasbi faces
if he is deported, we urge you to intervene immediately with a view to
having his deportation deferred and his asylum status urgently reassessed.
Our human rights organisation is asking for Mr Jasbi to be granted asylum immediately.
We appeal to you to prevent Mr Jasabi's deportation and to seek a commitment that persecuted regime critics and human rights activists will not be delivered into the hands of their persecutors.
Yours sincerely
Tilman Zülch
General Secretary of the Society for Threatened Peoples, Germany
José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission;
Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship;
Thomas Hammarberg, Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg;
Members of the European Parliament;
The Government of the Kingdom of Sweden; Churches, Trade Unions, NGOs and Media
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012
Uncovering the anti-asylum policies of Swedish right-wing government
Uncovering the anti-asylum policies of Swedish right-wing government
Anti-asylum and paradoxical policies of the right wing Swedish government in restricting the rights of Iranian asylum seekers as well as their conservative attitude toward the realities of the current situation in Iran, has entered a new phase. Everyday more and more restrictions and new tricks are used to put a bigger social pressure on the refugee community here in Sweden.
Ignoring the rights of Iranian refugees in Sweden has gone so far that despite the government and immigrations office’s knowledge of the current situation in Iran, many asylum seekers are deported to Iran regardless of the content of their political documents, backgrounds, activities, their membership in political opposition partiesand even regardless of the inevitable destiny awaiting them in Iran.
Such policies are to the extent that the cost of deportation of an asylum seeker is ten times higher than the cost of his/her accommodation. Thus Sweden intends to close its borders to asylum seekers and take unjust measures against the refugee community living in Sweden.
Hossein Jasbi is one of the political asylum seekers with an undeniable political background who has lost some of his family members in the unjust Islamic regime of Iran. Now he is a victim of business cooperation and political considerations and collaborations of Sweden with Islamic republic of Iran.
Once again, to prove the power of its anti-asylum policies and its commitments to the secret agreements with Islamic regime of Iran to suppress the opposition voices here inSweden, the Swedish government has planned to charter an airplane on 31th of March 2012 to transfer HosseinJasbi to Amsterdam and from there to deport him to Iran.(Arlanda, Amsterdam Tehran)
Therefore, we invite all asylum/human rights activists and freedom-loving individuals especially the Iranian diasporacommunity, parties, individuals, groups and organization to declare their objection by sending this short text to the immigration office and let the world and the public opinion know about the unequal battle of Swedish government with innocent people.
To save Hossein Jasbi,s life copy DO NOT DEPORT HOSSEIN JASBI TO IRAN (CASE # 11-421539) and send it to:
29 March 2012
Donnerstag, 22. März 2012
Heute: Demo vor dem schwedischen Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt / Main
Wir fordern Schwedens Migrationsminister T. Billström auf :
Keine Abschiebung nach Iran
Keine Abschiebung in Folter und Todesstrafe!
Abschiebung der Familie Esfahani in den Iran stoppen!
Die junge Familie Mohammadreza Hamedian Esfahani (35), Bahareh Pourfard (34) und ihre Kinder Asal (7) und Daniel (2) sind akut von Abschiebung über Frankfurt in den Iran bedroht; der Vater sitzt z.Z. in Abschiebehaft. Sie suchten 2008 in Schweden Asyl, nachdem sie wegen ihrer Konvertierung vom Islam zum Christentum verfolgt wurde. Inzwischen ist der Vater Mohammadreza im Iran in Abwesenheit zu 10 Jahren Haft und 75 Peitschenhieben verurteilt worden, wegen „Abfall vom rechten Glauben“ und „Verächtlichmachung des Islam“. Nun erhielten sie von schwedischen Behörden den finalen Ablehnungsbescheid. Auch scheiterte der Versuch für einstweiligen Rechtschutz vorm Europäischen Menschengerichtshof. Es wurde bereits ein offener Brief an Tobias Billström adressiert, schwedischer Migrationsminister (case #11-084450/11), auf der Homepage kontaktierbar unter „contact informations“ auf; Informationen zu der Familie finden sich auf Bitte kontaktieren auch Sie die schwedischen Behörden!
Herr Esfahani war auch in Schweden als iranischer Regimegegner aktiv und in vorderer Front bei Demonstrationen zu sehen: Internationale Behörden haben festgestellt, dass die Islamische Republik Iran die Aktivitäten geflohener BürgerInnen sorgfältig verfolgt. Herr Esfahani muss deshalb im Iran mit weiterer Verfolgung, Folter und Todesstrafe rechnen. Laut Asylum Today ist es nicht der erste Fall illegaler Abschiebung in den Iran aus Schweden und Norwegen nach den UN-Flüchtlingskonventionen; in einem Fall war der europäische Menschengerichtshof bereits eingeschritten. Dennoch wird diese traurige Praxis fortgesetzt. Sie erinnert uns auch in Deutschland an Verletzungen der Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit von IranerInnen, wie sie am 20. Februar 2011 vor dem iranischen Konsulat stattfand. Dort wurde eine versammelte Menge inklusive Frauen und Kinder stundenlang festgehalten und schließlich brutal angegriffen, um die Personalien zu erhalten – wegen Sachbeschädigung an der Botschaft, die bereits vor Ankunft der Leute abgeschlossen war. Die AktivistInnen unterstellten dann, dass deutsche Behörden mit dem diktatorischen Regime in Iran kooperieren. Die Kooperationen mit Ländern wie Nigeria, Lybien und Syrien in Bezug auf europäische Flüchtlingsabwehr zeigt, das solche Unterstellungen nicht aus der Luft gegriffen sind.
Stoppt die neokoloniale Ungerechtigkeit, Stoppt die Abschiebungen! Stoppt die Abschiebungen in den Iran jetzt!
V.i.S.d.P. Renate Windelband , Frankfurt 069-71035735
So some (few) people decided to demonstrate in front of the swedish Consulate in Frankfurt ...
It will take place today at 3pm german time (that is 15:00 h).
- Migrationsverket rejects all requests and documents.filed. . The Swedish government wants to send an Iranian family back to Iran although they run the risk of receiving the death penalty. On Friday they received the final rejection on their asylum application. – The Swedish Migrationsverket rejected all requests of their asylum documents. This is happening often in asylum applications both in Sweden and Norway, says Bjørg Irene Karlsen from Asylum-Today.
Pressemitteilung seitens iranischer Asylbewerber der Stadt Würzburg (Bayern, Deutschland) #iranelection #refugees
Migration Board - Asylum department in Sweden: Stop deportation of Iranian asylum seekers to Iran!
1) Mr. Hossein Jasbi (case # 11- 421539) a Marxist anti-regime activist and member of a banned political organization in Iran (Fedaeyin Minority); an outspoken activist against the Islamic Republic regime in Sweden, with numerous broadcast interviews; a member of a family that is targeted for state-sponsored violence: his brother and sister were executed by the regime and his father imprisoned. 2) Mr. Ali Azari Balsi (case # 11-420529) Islamic regime executed his father, Shokhrollah Azari a worker activist. A political activist who has participated in and organized numerous anti-regime protest actions in Sweden, an active bloger (
3) Mr. Mohammadreza Hamedian Esfahani (Maxim) (case # 11- 084450) – a Christian convert family (wife and two children) with political activities in last two years.
Each of the three should be immediately released from detention and recognize as refugee and benefiters from international or subsidiary protection. It is violation of asylum rights for any country including Sweden to deport a person who has a legitimate fear of persecution in home country. On 3/09/2010, in the case of R. c. v. Sweden (application no. 41827/07), the European Court of Human Rights found that deporting an Iranian dissident to Iran would be a violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Despite this finding, migration board continues to attempt to deport Iranian activists like Jasbi, Balsi, Esfahani, and others, all of whom are clearly and undeniably at risk of arbitrary detention and torture by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Unfortunately Mr. M.S.N Case # 11-365557 has been deported by migration board to Iran on 10 March 2012 and he was arrested by Iranian government upon his arrive and until now his family couldn’t able to meet him. Migration board trying deporting political asylum seekers to Iran at a time when executions are happening on a near-daily basis, sometimes several a day. Among those to be deported includes a convert to Christianity to a country that intends to execute Christian convert Mr. Yousef Nadarkhani solely due to his religious conversion! [Your name]" Thanks!
Stop the Illegal Refoulement of Jasbi, Balsi & Esfahani to Iran!
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Please urgently copy/paste this & add your own signature to the webforms for contacting
Tobias Billström, Swedish Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy and his Press Secretary Linda Norberg.
Please also send to the following Scandinavian newspapers:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SUBECT: Stop the Illegal Refoulement of Jasbi, Balsi & Esfahani to Iran!
To Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Sweden:
I am writing to you to demand an immediate halt to the deportation of the following 3 Iranian asylum-seekers who have sought refuge in Sweden from persecution by the Islamic Republic of Iran:
1) Hossein Jasbi (case no. 11.421.539) – a Marxist anti-regime activist and member of a banned political organization in Iran (Fedaeyin Minority); an outspoken activist against the Islamic Republic regime while in Sweden, with numerous broadcast interviews; and a member of a family that is targeted for state-sponsored violence: his brother and sister were executed by the regime and his father imprisoned.
2) Ali Azari Balsi (case no. 11.420.529) – a political activist who has participated in and organized numerous anti-regime protest actions in Sweden and has a right to asylum based on sur place;
3) Mohammadreza Hamedian Esfahani (case no. 11-084450/11) – a Christian convert with documentation on Islamic Republic letterhead that he has been convicted of apostasy and sentenced to 10 years in prison and 75 lashed; this sentence will be implemented if Esfahani is returned to Iran.
Each of the three should be immediately released from detention and granted political asylum as is their right under international law. It is illegal under international law for any country including Sweden to deport a person who has a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country.
On September 3, 2010, in the case of R. c. v. Sweden (application no. 41827/07), the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg found that deporting an Iranian dissident to Iran would be a violation by the Swedish authorities of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Despite this finding, the Swedish government continues to illegally attempt to deport Iranian activists like Jasbi, Balsi, Esfahani, and others, all of whom are clearly and undeniably at risk of arbitrary detention and torture by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Given the the Migration Office’s blatant, repeated violations of international law regarding refugee rights, risking the lives of Iranian and other asylum-seekers, we demand that Sweden must not only immediately halt the illegal deportation of Jasbi, Balsi and Esfahani, but must immediately cease all deportations to Iran.
Sonntag, 11. März 2012
Dienstag, 6. März 2012
Marxist Activist Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi Is the Latest on Billström’s Delivery List to the Butchers of Evin; Deportation by Sweden Set for 6 March 2012 – TAKE ACTION!
Marxist Activist Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi Is the Latest on Billström’s Delivery List to the Butchers of Evin; Deportation by Sweden Set for 6 March 2012 – TAKE ACTION!
Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi was born on 22 September 1972 to a family among the tens of thousands of families that have suffered in the hands of the “men of God” and their gallows in Evin and other slaughterhouses. By the time he was 10 years old, Hossein had lost his beloved older sister Mehri, age 27, and a brother Reza, age 25; they were among those tens of thousands executed in the 1980s.
Hossein’s father, who wasn’t even politically active, was put behind bars like the hundreds of mothers, fathers, and relatives who have been arrested, jailed tortured, forced to confess to activities that they had nothing to do with, and then even put on “trial” in Islamic “courts” and sentenced to years-long imprisonment or – as in so many cases – even executed. Hosein’s father not only lost 2 children to the gallows of the keeper of Evin, but spent many years in that hell too. He was released only in 1989.
It might be naïve, but we Iranians have never been entirely pessimistic about political support from the international community for our ideals of freedom, democracy, gender equality, and other progressive demands. Hossein worked towards these progressive ideals too, beginning his activities at a very early age. Influenced by the unbearable loss of two siblings, he became a link between the gallows and the outside world. In connection with Fadaeyin Minority, he contacted the families of political prisoners, collected information from the other side of “the gate,” and sent it to international and national humanitarian organizations.
It is notable that Fadaeyin Minority, unlike the ultra right-wing of the Fadaeyin, called for overthrow of the Islamic regime and participated in the armed struggle in Kurdistan against the forces of occupation. Many of members of this organization died in action or were executed as “non-negotiable examples of Mohareb against God.”
It is sad that sacrifices made by activists like Hossein, and the high price they paid for doing this life-saving work, did not lead to the reaction that we Iranians expected from the international community. Nevertheless, Hossein and many like him are the reason that today Geoffrey Robertson, QC, and UN war crimes judge, can give a detailed account and legal analysis of one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity since the second world war, the Prison Massacres of the 1980s in Iran (
Hossein was an active participant in the 2009 post-election uprising in Iran. After the arrest of a number of his comrades, he knew that it was only a matter of time before regime authorities came for him. Hossein was compelled to escape Iran in search of security; he chose Sweden as his country of safe haven.
In addition to the contributions made by Hossein in the struggle against the Islamic Republic inside Iran, he has also been very active in speaking out against the regime, particularly on radio programs known to be run by opposition activists. He has given interviews with Hambastegi Radio, Chakavak Radio, Hamsafar Radio, Omid Iran Radio, Radio Ava, and Radio Shahrvand; .wav file recordings of nearly a dozen interviews are available on request.
There is no question that Hossein, a politically active member of a family targeted for political executions by the Islamic Republic in Iran, will be detained, tortured, and possibly executed like his siblings. Yet the Swedish government has scheduled his deportation to Iran for 6 March 2012. We will not allow Hossein to suffer the same fate as his brother & sister. It is up to us to do all in our power to stop this crime.
حسین هم مانند هزاران جوان دیگر ایرانی با نفرت از رژیم تجاوز و زندان و اعدام و حجاب و با خواست سرنگونی حکومت قانون شرع ؛ حسین با خواست آزادی به خیابان آمده بود. حسین که ۲ خواهر و برادر عزیزش را هم کفتاران خمینی اعدام کرده اند چه پیش از انتخابات ۸۸ و چه بعد از آن دست از فعالیت بر علیه این جانوران بر نداشت. حسین را که اینک به سوئد پناهنده شده است میخواهند به جمهوری اسلامی دیپورت کنند. ما از تمامی انسانهای شریف چه ایرانی و چه غیر ایرانی میخواهیم که با ارسال نامهای که ما در این پست رو به وزیر مهاجرت سوئد منتشر کردهیم به این اقدام دولت سوئد اعتراض کنند.
TAKE ACTION: A sample letter is provided below. Please act quickly as there are only a few working days left until Hossein’s deportation date of 6 March 2012.
لطفا نامه زیر را کپی کرده و پس از امضا و گذاردن تاریخ با کلیک کردن روی نام و آدرس آقای وزیر و سکرتر وی که به رنگ آبی در این جان لینک شده اند آن نامه اعتراضی را در پست اینترنتی ایشان بچسبانید. کلّ این کار ۳۰ ثانیه هم طول نمیکشد اما میتواند حسین را از دیپورت نجات دهد.
Please urgently copy/paste this or your own version & add your own signature to the webforms for contacting Tobias Billström, Swedish Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy and his Press Secretary Linda Norberg.
Open Letter to Tobias Billström, Swedish Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Regarding the Illegal Refoulement of Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi (case #11.421.539)
To Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Sweden:
I am writing to you to demand an immediate halt to the deportation of Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi, an Iranian asylum-seeker who has sought refuge in Sweden from persecution by the Islamic Republic of Iran (case no. 11.421.539). Hossein should be immediately released from detention and granted political asylum as is his right under international law.
1) Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi has been visibly active organizing against the regime both inside Iran with his political party, Fedaeyin Minority, and as an activist during the 2009 post-election protests, as well as in Sweden as an individual activist speaking in broadcast forums against the regime. Anti-regime activists are usually charged by the Islamic Republic with “propagating against the regime” and “moharebeh,” which carries the death sentence in Iran. The case of Mohammad Amin Valian – sentenced to death for participating in the 2009 post-election protests (not to mention the thousands killed and raped in regime prisons during that period) underscores the threat to Hossein’s life (see: It is obviously illegal under international law to return such an anti-regime political activist to Iran.
Notably, Hossein’s sister & brother were executed by the regime. Hossein’s non-politically-active father was detained for years on no charge by the same regime. It is obvious that his family has been targeted for state-sponsored violence, and it is based on a reasonable fear of persecution that Hossein fled for his life to Sweden, seeking asylum, which is his right. Yet the Swedish government has decided to detain him in preparation for an illegal refoulement on 6 March 2012. I do not accept this.
2) The Islamic Republic considers all Iranian political asylum-seekers to be criminals, deeming their quest for asylum as propagating against the regime. The Islamic Republic has on several occasions declared and applied its intent to prosecute returned political asylum-seekers, on the basis of Article 7 of the Islamic Republic’s Penal Code. Rahim Rostami, a teenaged Kurdish asylum-seeker returned to Iran by Norway and immediately imprisoned is only one such example. Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi has sought political asylum and therefore, under the Islamic Republic, is subject to prosecution by the regime.
3) The Migration Office’s own Director for Legal Affairs “concludes that the Iranian regime has both a strong desire and the ability to monitor its citizens in Sweden.” Hossein Jasbi’s anti-regime views have been widely disseminated via numerous different radio stations and broadcasts, including broadcasts by known opposition radio stations. Under the Migration Office’s own admission, the Islamic Republic’s monitoring of activists has required a change in policy with regard to asylum-seekers who are active against the regime while in Sweden. Both the Swedish government’s own policies and Article 94 of international refugee law (“sur place”) require that Hossein Jasbi be granted asylum in Sweden.
4) It is illegal under international law for any country including Sweden to deport a person who has a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country. It is therefore undeniably illegal under the same international law for the Swedish government to participate in the crime of deporting Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi to Iran, where he will be detained, tortured, and likely executed if he is returned to the blood-soaked hands of the Islamic Republic.
Nevertheless, the Swedish government has repeatedly violated the rights of asylum-seekers. On September 3, 2010, in the case of R. c. v. Sweden (application no. 41827/07), the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg found that deporting an Iranian dissident to Iran would be a violation by the Swedish authorities of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Despite this finding, the Swedish government continues to illegally attempt to deport Iranian activists like Navid Mirpourzadih, Sanan Ashrafi, Marzieh Kamangar, Mehdi Maleki, Keivan Soufastaei, and others, all of whom are clearly and undeniably at risk not only of detention and torture by the Islamic Republic of Iran, but at unquestionable risk of execution.
We demand an urgent, immediate halt to Sweden’s intended illegal refoulement of Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi, who is at clear risk of execution if returned to the Islamic Republic. Given the the Migration Office’s blatant, repeated violations of international law regarding refugee rights, risking the lives of Iranian and other asylum-seekers, we demand that Sweden must not only immediately halt the illegal deportation of Hossein Jafar Ali Jasbi, but must immediately cease all deportations to Iran.
[your name & country]