Dienstag, 29. November 2011
Occupy Berlin hat Haus der Statistik besetzt
Montag, 21. November 2011
What Does Activism Mean Today ? My Article Published by the Kraut Magazine
What Does Activism Mean Today ? My Article Published by the Kraut Magazine
Montag, 14. November 2011
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:
Von: changenow
Datum: 14. November 2011 11:37:31 MEZ
Forwarded message from occupygeneva
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 11:03:06 +0100
From: occupygeneva
Authorities in Zurich, Switzerland refused to talk further and gave Sunday the 13th at midnight as an ultimatum for occupiers to leave the place. They are resisting right now by invoking their constitutional right to express their opinion in a public space but authorities refuse to negotiate.
*YOU CAN HELP Occupy Zurich. Contact Daniel Leupi, the Zurich Police Department's Chief who belong to the "Greens" party. He is the man in charge for the ultimatum and having refused to negotiate with occupiers.*
_Call he Zurich Police department_ and tell them that the whole world is watching them. Tell them they should leave theses pacific protesters alone : telephone number 00 41 44 411 70 27
_Sending Faxes_ (can do it for free from internet) to Zurich Police Department : 0041 44 411 71 17.
Do not hesitate to send in any languages you want even though German, English, French.
Occupy Geneva International Commission.
----- End forwarded message -----
Sonntag, 13. November 2011
Reports of the populare assamblies of 11/11/11
Von meinem iPhone gesendetCompte-rendu publié sur http://paris.reelledemocratie.com/node/689
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:
Übersetzt von: Isabeau Prémont-Schwarz
Datum: 13. November 2011 16:50:49 MEZ
Reports of the populare assamblies of 11/11/11INFO:11/11/11 : Day of peace was threatened by the threat of a Israel-USA declaration of war against Iran. Call for a mobilization for peace. A walk for peace started in Paris from the wall of Peace through Neuilly (NT: richest parisian suburb of which Sarkozy was mayor) towards La Defense (NT: occupied financial district of Paris). The walk lasted all day. 16h: start of the popular assemblies regarding the convergence of the international movements of the outraged:- Prepare common actions at the global level.
- Discussions between movements in order to take decisions about local and global actions. And set precise common meeting times. 16:30: Giant heart formation on the steps (????) (don't know it either ...)17h: Continuation of the popular assembly on the theme of debt. Lack of coordination between the different working groups and the actions at the acampada. LEGAL:- Individual declarations of demonstrations have been given, but there is a lack of coordination. Naturally we support them. However, two people have been tasked by the Assembly to make declarations to the préfecture: Vanessa and Alexandra.
Two declarations of demonstrations have been deposited for today.
- The first leaves from the wall of peace and goes to Neuilly until midnight.
- The second goes from the wall of peace to La Defense and ends at 22h.
In addition, a declaration has been deposited with regards to holding an gathering on the open space of La Defense from 11h to midnight.
Info-Welcoming point:
How to welcom newcommers in a pleasant place, a camp which looks good :
Decision for a collective reorganization of space.
Organization of welcoming and information point.
Artisitic working group :
12h, coordination meeting of the artistic actions in order to welcome the walk coming from Paris (14h arrival):
- Call for volunteers : musicians, dancers, jugglers and other performers
- Practice of welcome songs by the choir of the outraged.
- Continuation of the the actions: « what makes your heart beat ? »
- Composing songs about debt.
Respect :
- Security of the acampada against natural and police disasters :
Think about the spacial reorganisation: geographical, strategic, logistic. The necessity of not letting ourselves be imposed a police order but rather allow for the synergy of the outraged. Find referents.
- A group must be created to form a buffer between the police and the demonstrators who's mission is to keep the peace and the calm.
- The aggressive wake-up this morning was an attempt by the police to intimidate us. The restraint showed by the outraged is to be commended. Their determination is unshakable. They can empty the sleeping bags but it is unaccepting outraged who come out of them. With regards to police provocations, we kept our cool even though we were tired physically and mentally. Let's keep calm and continue the pacific movement. We don't let go of anything.
- Proposition of using the song « la souris verte qui courait dans l’herbe » in order to prevent us from losing our cool and to prevent aggressions.
Logistic working Group :
- Cooking action : 3-4 volunteers to prepare lunch.
- The importance of eating together.
- Call for material donations : medicine, hygienics (?) (soap, toothbrush, etc.), protection from the cold (isomats, warm blankets,warm clothing …)
- Call for food donations : water, warm food (soup in particular, but also pasta, rice, …), Non-perishables (conserves, cakes, fruit juice, coffee, tuna…) or rapidly eatable (ham, cheese, bread, fruits,veggetables…).
- Creation of teams to provide "services" : cooking, dishwashing, cleaning, recycling…
- Necessity to coordinate the micro balance of powers inside the enteprises.
Other interventions :
- Call for political neutrality.... avoid political, and union, instrumentalisation. Each outraged should comme with their heart not their political colour.
- Proposition of a working group for alternative education.
Compte-rendu publié sur http://paris.reelledemocratie.com/node/689
Original Page: http://www.occuponsladefense.net/2011/11/compte-rendu-des-assemblees-populaires-du-111111/
Kapitalismuskritiker umzingeln Regierungsviertel
Kapitalismuskritiker umzingeln Regierungsviertel
Mit einer Menschenkette um das Regierungsviertel wollen am Samstag ab 12.30 Uhr mehrere tausend Kapitalismuskritiker erneut gegen die Macht der Banken demonstrieren. Zeitgleich soll in Frankfurt/Main das Bankenviertel umstellt werden. Die Aktion steht nach Angaben der Veranstalter unter dem Motto «Banken in die Schranken» und wird unter anderem von dem globalisierungskritischen Netzwerk Attac koordiniert. Ab 12.30 Uhr wollen die Demonstranten vom Washingtonplatz am Hauptbahnhof aus das Regierungsviertel umstellen, gegen 14.00 Uhr soll die Menschenkette geschlossen sein. Anschließend ist eine Abschlusskundgebung am Brandenburger Tor geplant. Die Veranstalter rechnen mit 10 000 Teilnehmern.
Beachten: http://www.s-bahn-berlin.de/bauinformationen/index.html !
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